Blwyddyn 5 / Year 5 – @Bl5Plascrug
Miss H Williams/Mrs Ff Hughes – Miss L Wilkins
Things to remember:
- Reading books daily – pupils should be reading for 10-15 minutes each night.
- Multiplication tables – every night.
This term our topic is ‘Potions’. We will be incorporating our theme throughout the Curriculum from magical word problems in maths, to creative experiments in Science.
We will be studying Roald Dahl’s The Witches and finding out more information about Roald Dahl himself – creating a fact file and a PowerPoint Presentation on the children’s author.
This term we will be doing Gymnastics in PE whilst also allowing the children to create and develop their own ‘magical games’ to integrate our theme into our PE lessons.
Yn Gymraeg, mi fyddwn yn cymharu tirwedd, traddodiadau a bywyd yn Norwy â Chymru. Hefyd , mi fyddwn yn astudio hanes Gwen Ellis a’i dylanwad hi yng Nhymru sydd ynghlwm â’r llyfr rydym yn astudio, The Witches.
In association with The Welsh Curriculum, we shall be comparing climate, traditions and life in Norway and Wales. During the year we will be researching about Gwen Ellis and her history and influence in relation with the book studied.
Our lessons will be planned with the ‘Four Purposes’ at the heart of everything enabling the pupils to become:
- Healthy, Confident Individuals
- Ambitious Capable Learners
- Enterprising Creative Contributors
- Ethically Informed Citizens.
Useful Websites