Plascrug School Mission Statement
At Plascrug School, we will ensure that each child thrives in our school, which puts children at the centre of our community. We believe that every pupil has the potential to make excellent progress in developing lifelong skills in a bilingual environment that is safe, caring and inspiring. We will give each child the best possible chance to succeed, celebrating with them each step of the way.
Our Aims
To enable children to develop positive health and wellbeing, encompassing the physical, psychological, emotional, cultural and social dimensions ensuring that they participate in life as best they can in an ever-changing world.
To place children firmly on the road to becoming ambitious lifelong learners who achieve high standards and are able to utilise their literacy, numeracy and ICT skills independently, enjoying challenge; resilient in the face of any obstacles.
To present a broad, exciting and engaging curriculum, utilising the outdoors fully, that is purposeful, powerful and positive, enabling children to make excellent progress with a smile on their faces.
To place creativity at the heart of what we do and celebrate the creative journey that all children will make.
To give each child the opportunity to develop Welsh language skills and become bilingual, imparting a sense of pride in Wales’ history, heritage and culture, which is for all regardless of whether a child will live here for a short period or a lifetime.
To celebrate our multicultural and diverse school community and in so doing engender a respect for all cultures and religions.
To develop pupils as informed global citizens who recognise that they have a contribution to make in solving the social, economic and environmental problems that we face both locally and internationally.
To develop the qualities of self-discipline and self-control giving children a responsible attitude towards the school and its rules, respect for other people and their property and a willingness to share and co-operate with one another.
To keep building a strong, committed and happy team that enjoys the ongoing challenge of being the best we can be for each child in Plascrug School.